he meant he knows he can walk up but it’s going to be too hard so he doesn’t want to. the poor guy is totally missing HD’s point so HD looks frustrated. HD says going down is ok but after we get down how do we get back up? he is told to walk back up so HJ points out it’s not worth the price of the slide (cuz it’s so much exercise). HD points out the incline they are going to slide down and says the angle is 90 degrees but it’s more like 60. HD asks how much it is to rent those and pays for it. HD says we wanted to make you smile the most but (he doesn’t finish cuz it’s not like they can fork over so much money to the kid) HJ says so that you can earn a lot of money to build a home – I will give you money for this and slide down over there so show us your most happy smile. the kid said if I had money I would want to build a house.

HJ asks what would make you smile the most right now. they ask what he is carrying on the back of the ATV and it’s a strip of plastic for people to slide down the sand. They finally reach the group and ask some kid what his name is as they film him. HJ consoles him and says at least we didn’t say Go Ara (the singer) HD tells him – you don’t laugh at me at least –you shouldn’t laugh. HD says it’s like the Ohara desert so HJ cracks up laughing. HD remarks the people in the distance are getting closer. HJ: hyung isnt that a music station? HD thinks about it for a second like he is confused between ATV and MTV. HD: you don’t know what 4 legs are? when there are four wheels and ride it like a motorcycle. HJ says I’ve never been to an MT – I didn’t get to go on MTs. The scene in the car is repeated with HD and HJ talking about the 3 top rivers and other trivia they don’t even know the answers to and that lame joke about “white sand” and “red sand.” HD points out the people in the distance and talks about when you go on a lot of *MTs during college to Kangtoo, don’t they call those “4 wheels” (in Korean he actually said “4 legged”). It starts from the members getting their backpacks and assignment from last time. Even if he didn’t say a word, there is no way any sensible editor would take out any of his close ups cuz not sharing the “pretty” is going to cost ratings. It’s a good thing KHJ has some variety experience under his belt and can match HD’s whimsical thoughts and remarks or else KHJ could have ended up looking like a deer caught in headlights. If you are on a variety show with him, it’s either keep up with him or prepare to be edited out. He sets the pace and doesn’t think twice about who is following along.
#Barefoot Friends Ep 4 Indo Sub how to#
I bet his fingers were itching to hold out “one” and “two.” Old habits die hard and it’s obvious that Ho Dong only knows how to do variety one way – his. I wonder if I’m the only one who thinks that Kang Ho Dong must have felt strange yelling out “Barefoot Friends” when he has been calling out “1n2d” for almost five years.